Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ listing is for your use to help you with any immediate questions you might have about or its message boards. If you have read the FAQs and still have not found the answer you are looking for, please contact us immediately so that we can help you.
This FAQ may be updated at any time. Although WTC will do its best to make the proper notifications of any additions to this section, it is wise for you to check the FAQ often.
How can I contact
You can contact us here.
Is a safe environment for kids?
Yes, we pride ourselves on keeping the WTC community a safe place for people of all ages. If you see any material on the site that you find objectionable, please click on the Contact link at the top of any page to send us an email detailing the problem. We will take immediate action to rectify the situation.
Does own all the cards listed on the website?
No. Although everyone who works on updating WTC or provides information collects wrestling trading cards, WTC does not personally own all the cards listed.
How does gather all of its information? gathers information from a wide variety of resources. Manufacturers’ sales sheets, member notifications, staff visits to trade shows and conventions and even direct relationships with some of the manufacturers themselves, all play an important part of our information gathering. Much of the information we get comes from collectors themselves.
Please note that information sent to us may not be used right away. Although we enjoy the feedback that we get from collectors, we cannot simply post information without finding other sources who can substantiate that information. WTC tries to make sure that the information it gathers is accurate and true. Sending us an email about a trading card or set does not guarantee that it will be used.
May I publish or use’s information on another website or in a printed
We encourage you to use WTC to help you understand the cards you have or the cards you are looking for. However, if you take any information from and use it on another website (personal or otherwise) or use it in a printed publication (magazine/book), you must give credit. When giving credit to WTC, please use the following citation.
– Checklist(s) provided by
Can I directly link to any of the images or pages from WTC?
WTC users are encouraged to download any of the checklists and/or information areas for their own personal use. However, users may not directly link to any of the images or pages from WTC.
Do you sell the items listed on does not sell anything on its website. WTC is an information and reference source website, providing you the best information possible about the wrestling trading cards you collect. Selling of cards is permitted on our message boards. WTC is not responsible for the types of transactions that take place on our message boards. If you partake in the use of buying, selling, or trading with others on the message boards, you do so at your own risk and WTC is not liable for any of those transactions. When dealing in sales or trades with others, use caution. It is wise to ask for references from others in the community if you have concerns.
Where can I buy the cards that you have listed on your website?
Since we do not sell any of the cards directly from our website, offers many useful links to help you find the cards that you are interested in. We recommend that you visit these websites and contact these sellers. In addition, we recommend you try some of the more popular online auction websites such as e-Bay. Always use caution when buying cards via the web. Ask questions and get referrals when you can.
I have some images that are not on Can I send them to
Yes! tries to provide you with useful information about all wrestling trading cards. We try to offer images of many of the great trading cards we have listed on our checklist pages. Many of these images have come from our members. If you have images, please contact us here. Please be sure that they are no smaller than 400 pixels high for images that are vertical and no less than 400 pixels long for images that are horizontal. Images should be clear, of high resolution and be in either JPG or GIF format (JPG is preferred). WTC will scale the images down to the size needed for display. Scanned images work best as images taken with digital cameras tend to add dimensions (depth and angle) to the image that make it hard to edit and resize.
I’d like to submit my website to your Links page. How do I do that? offers a variety of useful links located on our Links page. We try to keep these links limited to only those that fall within the categories we have listed. Personal websites like those paying homage to certain wrestlers/promotions, fan-zine type websites and/or personal collection(s) websites are not to be submitted and will not be added to our links page. If you wish to advertise your own personal website, please add it to your message board Profile page [see information below on editing your Profile page].
Why must I register to use your message board?
Registration is required to view, post, and reply to topics on the (WTC) Message. Registration is FREE and only takes a few moments. The only required fields are your Username, which may be your real name or a nickname, and a valid e-mail address. The information you provide during registration is not outsourced or used for any advertising by WTC. If you believe someone is sending you advertisements as a result of the information you provided through your registration, please notify us by using the Contact link at the top of this page immediately.
How do I register to use the message boards?
1) Click on the Register button at the top middle portion of the page or click on the Register link in the upper right corner of the page.
2) On the Register page, create a username. This is used only for identification by our boards. You can use special characters after logging in, by changing your displayed name in your profile.
3) Enter in a valid email address. If you do not enter in a valid email address, your account will not be created and you cannot use the message board. This email address is also the address that your temporary password will be mailed to. If you do not have access to the email address that you have provided when creating your registration, then you will not have access to the message boards because you cannot gain access to your password.
4) Read the Terms of Service. If you agree to these terms, then select the I Agree radio button and then click on the Register button.
5) After you have clicked on the Register button and your username has been accepted, you will see the following text: “A password has been sent to the email address you provided. Check your email and enter your login information below to begin using your new account.”
6) Once you have logged in with your username and temporary password, you can change your password on your member profile.
How can I change my registration profile?
You may easily change any information stored in your registration profile by using the “profile” link located near the top of each page. Simply identify yourself by typing your UserName and Password and all of your profile information will appear on screen. You may edit any information (except your UserName).
What are Moderators?
Moderators control individual forums. They may edit, delete, or purge any posts in their forums. If you have a question about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum moderator.
Are cookies used?
These Message Boards use cookies to store the following information; the last time you logged in, your UserName and your Password, if you set it in preferences. These cookies are stored on your hard drive. Cookies are not used to track your movement or perform any function other than to enhance your use of these message boards. If you have not enabled cookies in your browser, many of these timesaving features will not work properly. Also, you need to have cookies enabled if you want to enter a private forum or post a topic/reply. You may delete all cookies set by these forums in selecting the “logout” button at the top of any page.
I lost or don’t remember my password. How do I get it back?
Click on the Login link in the upper right corner of the page. On the login screen, click on the Forgot Password link. On the Password Reminder page, you will need to enter in your username. An email will be sent to the address that you used when you first set up your account.
Please note that the Administrator of the WTC message boards and members of the WTC website do not have access to your password and cannot retrieve it for you.
Can I link my personal website to message board?
We prefer that sites are linked to the main page, rather than directly to our message board. Our message board does not reside on our own server(s) and may not be valid for whatever reason in the future. Linking to is the preferred option. If you would like to include some type of graphic for WTC to be used on your website, please contact the Webmaster for assistance. We currently do not have any type of set design for graphic work.
Will share my personal information or sell my name and/or email address? does not sell or share it’s member’s information to ANY companies or online presence. Your privacy is important to us.
What if someone posts something that violates the rules or that I might feel is questionable? wants to promote a safe and enjoyable environment. If you feel that a post has been made that violates any of our policies or that a post may be questionable due to content or any other means, please contact the Webmaster right away.
How do I report any problems or let you know when I receive inappropriate messages?
Click on the Contact link at the top of any page to send us a message detailing the situation. We will make sure that the situation is dealt with immediately.
What is the policy on spam, profanity, personal attacks (flaming)? does not allow any forms of outside advertising that do not pertain to what WTC is all about … wrestling trading cards!
Profanity will not be tolerated. Although we have an automatic profanity/censoring function in place, there are certainly ways around those features. Please respect all others. We understand that debates can and will happen, but please keep them diplomatic and respect other people’s opinions and suggestions. WTC tries to appeal to a broad range of collectors of all ages, including kids. Please show some respect. Violators could be banned from the boards.
Flaming is defined as a personal attack on someone. Some topics can bring out some very passionate feelings. Attacking someone through our message boards is not an acceptable means to convey your thoughts or opinions. If you have an issue with a member about something that was said, please either send them a personal message [PM] or send them a private email. Contact the Webmaster if you feel one of our rules was broken.
Can I post anything that is sent to me via private message [PM] or through personal emails?
The only way to post these types of messages is by getting explicit permission from the sender. Posting personal message or personal emails not only lacks taste, but could get you banned from the boards.
Other Questions?
If you have any questions for which we have failed to provide an answer to, please notify us by using the Contact Us page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact us for any errors or updates