2024 OPW Starrcast Downunder

___ Bret Hart
___ Chris Adonis
___ Conrad Thompson
___ Dalip Singh
___ Eric Bischoff
___ Gangrel
___ Lisa Marie Varon
___ Mance Warner
___ Mickie James
___ Mike Rallis
___ Powerhouse Hobbs
___ Shelton Benjamin
___ Socal Val
___ Steph De Lander
___Tenille Dashwood
___ Vix Crow


– Cards are traditional trading card size with rounded corners & all have the same back.

– Card set came sealed in pack.

– Cards were on sale at the Oceania Pro Wrestling Starrcast Downunder event in Ballarat, Victoria Australia on April 11th – 14th 2024.

– Cards were produced by Australian Wrestling Cards.

– Remaining sets were sold online at Australian Wrestling Cards — Pario Magazine.

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