2020 30 Years of The Deadman On Demand Set (Topps)
Legend Of The Undertaker
___ 1 “Look At The Size Of That Ham Hock!” 11.22.1998
___ 2 Rising From The Casket 1.22.1994
___ 3 Defeating The Imposter 8.29.1994
___ 4 Intimidating Diesel 3.18.1996
___ 5 Rising From The Grave 10.28.1996
___ 6 Descending From Above 11.17.1996
___ 7 Playing Mind Games With Kane 3.9.1998
___ 8 Setting Kane On Fire 4.25.1998
___ 9 Throwing Mankind Off The Cell 6.28.1998
___ 10 Disguising As Kane 7.5.1998
___ 11 Playing Mind Games With The Boss 2.22.1999
___ 12 Chokeslamming Rikishi Off The Cell 12.18.2000
___ 13 The Brothers Of Destruction Become Double Tag Champions 8.19.2001
___ 14 Winning WWE Hardcore Championship 12.9.2001
___ 15 Winning WWE Undisputed Championship 5.19.2002
___ 16 Return Of The Deadman 3.14.2004
___ 17 ” The Dead has Risen” 11.27.2005
___ 18 Destroying The Ring 1.29.2006
___ 19 Winning The Royal Rumble Match 1.28.2007
___ 20 Chokeslamming Edge To Hell 8.17.2008
The Streak
___ TS-1 The Streak Begins WrestleMania VII 3.24.1991
___ TS-2 Undertaker def. Jake “The Snake” Roberts WrestleMania VIII 4.5.1992
___ TS-3 Undertaker Gets One Over On The Million Dollar Corporation WrestleMania XI 4.2.1995
___ TS-4 Undertaker def. Diesel WrestleMania XII 3-31-1996
___ TS-5 Undertaker def. Sycho Sid For The WWE Championship WrestleMania13 3-23-1997
___ TS-6 Undertaker def. Kane WrestleMania XIV 3.29.1998
___ TS-7 Undertaker def. Big Boss Man In A Hell In A Cell Match WrestleMania XV 3.28.1999
___ TS-8 Undertaker def. Triple H WrestleMania X Seven 4.1.2001
___ TS-9 Undertaker def. Ric Flair In A No Disqualification Match WrestleMania X-8 3.17.2002
___ TS-10 Undertaker def. Big Show & A-Train in a Handicap Match WrestleMania XIX 3-30-2003
___ TS-11 Undertaker def. Kane WrestleMania XX 3-14-2004
___ TS-12 Undertaker def. Randy Orton WrestleMania 21 4-3-2005
___ TS-13 Undertaker def. Mark Henry In A Casket Match WrestleMania 22 4.2.2006
___ TS-14 Undertaker def. Batista For The World Heavyweight Championship WrestleMania 23 4.1.2007
___ TS-15 Undertaker def. Edge For The World Heavyweight Championship WrestleMania XXIV 3.30.2008
___ TS-16 Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels WrestleMania XXV 4.5.2009 *
___ TS-17 Undertaker Retires “The Heartbreak Kid” WrestleMania XXVI 3.28.2010
___ TS-18 Undertaker def. Triple H In A No Holds Barred Match WrestleMania XXVII 4.3.2011
___ TS-19 Undertaker def. Triple H In A Hell In A Cell Match WrestleMania XXVIII 4.1.2012
___ TS-20 Undertaker def. “The Best In The World” WrestleMania 29 4.7.2013
Casket Relics
___ C-1 Base Relic /99
___ C-1 Navy /50
___ C-1 Purple /30
___ C-1 Grey / 15
___ C-1 Black /5
___ C-1 Gold 1/1
– Basic Set Print Run : 278 sets
– Collectors Edition Set Print Run 200 sets
– This was an on-demand set sold exclusively through Topps.com. The sales window for this set was from November 20,2020 through December 18, 2020. Print runs were announced after the sales window had closed.
– They were sold in 2 different sets. There was a basic set without the Casket Relic, and a collectors edition with a Casket Relic.
– Card #TS-16 Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels has a mis-print on the back of the card. The back of the card states that it is ‘Undertaker def. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship’, which is from card TS-15. The paragraph on the back of the card is correct, though, as it references the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match.
– There is a spelling error on the backs of all of the Casket Relics. The word “Congratulations!” is spelled as ‘Congratualtions!
Contact us for any errors or updates