2019 All Elite Trading Cards Series 2 (KAGE GFX)
___ 01 of 28 Kenny Omega
___ 02 of 28 Pentagon, Jr.
___ 03 of 28 Rey Fenix
___ 04 of 28 Jungle Boy
___ 05 of 28 Sonny Kiss
___ 06 of 28 Kylie Rae
___ 07 of 28 Allie
___ 08 of 28 Jimmy Havoc
___ 09 of 28 Sammy Guevara
___ 10 of 28 Nyla Rose
___ 11 of 28 Cima
___ 12 of 28 Brandon Cutler
___ 13 of 28 Bea Priestley
___ 14 of 28 Alicia Atout
___ 15 of 28 Sadie Gibbs
___ 16 of 28 Billy Gunn
___ 17 of 28 Kip Sabian
___ 18 of 28 Chuckie T
___ 19 of 28 Trent Baretta
___ 20 of 28 Michael Nakazawa
___ 21 of 28 El Lindaman
___ 22 of 28 T-Hawk
___ 23 of 28 Takehiro Yamamura
___ 24 of 28 The Lucha Bros.
___ 25 of 28 Best Friends
___ 26 of 28 Strong Hearts
___ 27 of 28 Sold Out!
___ 28 of 28 The G.O.A.T.
___ 01 Jon Moxley
– Cards designed and printed by Adrian B. Brown.
– Unofficial/unlicensed release.
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I am trying to purchase these. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
Super hard to come by, as they were pulled from circulation in late 2019. eBay would be the best place to check.