2018 Ignite Wrestling Trading Cards
___ Aaron Epic
___ Alex Cruz
___ Amber Nova
___ Amy Rose
___ Andrew Merlin
___ Angel Rose
___ Ari Al Varado
___ Aspyn Rose
___ Beastly Brody
___ Bomb Shelter
___ Calvin Tankman
___ Carlos Gabriel
___ Chico Adams
___ Chip Day
___ Chuckles The Clown
___ Critical Mayhem
___ CT Brown
___ Daniel Max Shaw
___ Daniel Benish
___ Dezmond Xavier
___ Fred Yehi
___ Gabriel Lacey
___ Gary Jay
___ Gym Nasty Boys
___ Jake Parnell
___ Jesus Rodriguez
___ Kaci Lennox
___ Katalina Perez
___ Kilynn King
___ Lacey Lane
___ Marina Tucker
___ Martin Stone
___ Matt Kenway
___ Mr Haystacks
___ Nick Nero
___ Ophidian The Cobra
___ The Rapture
___ Stevie Fierce
___ Stonehearts
___ Critical Mayhem
___ Tech
___ The Ugly Ducklings
___ TNT
___ Tony Stabile
___ Tripp Cassidy
___ Troy Hollywood
___ Wolfe Taylor
___ Zachary Wentz
– Cards are not numbered and blank on the backs.
– Cards sold through Ignitewrestling.com.
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