2017 WWE Legends (Topps)
Base Set
Parallels: Bronze; Silver /99; Blue /50; Gold /10; Red 1/1
___ 1 Brock Lesnar
___ 2 Goldberg
___ 3 The Rock
___ 4 Hunter Hearst Helmsley
___ 5 Undertaker
___ 6 Afa
___ 7 Alundra Blayze
___ 8 Andre The Giant
___ 9 Bam Bam Bigelow
___ 10 The Berzerker
___ 11 Big Boss Man
___ 12 Big John Studd
___ 13 Bob Backlund
___ 14 Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
___ 15 The Boogeyman
___ 16 Booker T
___ 17 Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ 18 Brian Knobbs
___ 19 British Bulldog
___ 20 Bruno Sammartino
___ 21 Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake
___ 22 “Cowboy” Bob Orton
___ 23 D’Lo Brown
___ 24 Daniel Bryan
___ 25 Dean Malenko
___ 26 Diamond Dallas Page
___ 27 Don Muraco
___ 28 Dory Funk Jr.
___ 29 Dusty Rhodes
___ 30 Earthquake
___ 31 Eddie Guerrero
___ 32 Edge
___ 33 Eve Torres
___ 34 Fit Finlay
___ 35 General Adnan
___ 36 George “The Animal” Steele
___ 37 Gerald Briscoe
___ 38 The Goon
___ 39 Greg “The Hammer” Valentine
___ 40 “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
___ 41 Haku
___ 42 Harley Race
___ 43 The Honky Tonk Man
___ 44 Iron Sheik
___ 45 Irwin R. Shyster
___ 46 Jake “The Snake” Roberts
___ 47 The Godfather
___ 48 Jerry “The King” Lawler
___ 49 Jerry Saggs
___ 50 Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
___ 51 Junkyard Dog
___ 52 Mike Rotundo
___ 53 Ken Shamrock
___ 54 Kerry Von Erich
___ 55 Kevin Nash
___ 56 Kevin Von Erich
___ 57 Larry Zbyszko
___ 58 Lex Luger
___ 59 “Macho Man” Randy Savage
___ 60 Magnum T.A.
___ 61 Michael “P.S.” Hayes
___ 62 Mick Foley
___ 63 “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase
___ 64 Miss Elizabeth
___ 65 Mr. Perfect
___ 66 “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff
___ 67 Nikolai Volkoff
___ 68 Norman Smiley
___ 69 Papa Shango
___ 70 Pat Patterson
___ 71 “Ravishing” Rick Rude
___ 72 Ric Flair
___ 73 Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
___ 74 Road Dogg
___ 75 Rob Van Dam
___ 76 Rocky Johnson
___ 77 Ron Simmons
___ 78 Rowdy Roddy Piper
___ 79 Scott Hall
___ 80 Sgt. Slaughter
___ 81 Sensational Sherri
___ 82 Sid Vicious
___ 83 Sika
___ 84 Stevie Ray
___ 85 Sting
___ 86 Stone Cold Steve Austin
___ 87 Tatanka
___ 88 Tatsumi Fujinami
___ 89 Terri Runnels
___ 90 Terry Taylor
___ 91 Trish Stratus
___ 92 Tully Blanchard
___ 93 Typhoon
___ 94 Ultimate Warrior
___ 95 Umaga
___ 96 Virgil
___ 97 The Warlord
___ 98 Wendi Richter
___ 99 X-Pac
___ 100 Yokozuna
Retired Championships Insert Set
___ 1 Bret “Hit Man” Hart – WCW Championship
___ 2 Ric Flair – WCW International World Heavyweight Championship
___ 3 Terry Funk – ECW Championship
___ 4 Triple H – World Heavyweight Championship
___ 5 Money Inc. – World Tag Team Championship
___ 6 The Outsiders – WCW Tag Team Championship
___ 7 Terry Taylor & Greg Valentine – WCW United States Tag Team Championship
___ 8 The Glamour Girls – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
___ 9 Trish Stratus – WWE Women’s Championship
___ 10 Nikki Bella – Divas Championship
___ 11 Ted DiBiase – WWE North American Heavyweight Championship
___ 12 Tatsumi Fujinami – WWE International Heavyweight Championship
___ 13 British Bulldog – European Championship
___ 14 Ricky Steamboat – WCW Television Championship
___ 15 Rob Van Dam – ECW TV Championship
___ 16 Chris Jericho – Cruiserweight Championship
___ 17 Dean Malenko – WWE Light Heavyweight Championship
___ 18 Tatsumi Fujinami – WWE Junior Heavyweight Championship
___ 19 Brian Pillman – WCW Light Heavyweight Championship
___ 20 Bradshaw – WWE Hardcore Championship
___ 21 Norman Smiley – WCW Hardcore Championship
___ 22 Virgil – The Million Dollar Championship
Legendary Bouts Insert Set
___ 1 Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
___ 2 Bret “Hit Man” Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin In A Submission Match
___ 3 Intercontinental Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat
___ 4 Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage In A Retirement Match
___ 5 Intercontinental Champion Bret “Hit Man” Hart vs. The British Bulldog
___ 6 WWE Champion Bret hart vs. Shawn Michaels in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match
___ 7 WWE Champion The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin In A No Disqualification Match
___ 8 Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels In A NO Disqualification Streak vs. Career Match
___ 9 John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar In An Extreme Rules Match
___ 10 Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect vs. Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ 11 Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels In A Ladder Match
___ 12 Ric Flair va. Mr. Perfect In A Loser Leaves Town Match
___ 13 Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon vs. Cactus Jack In A Hardcore Match
___ 14 Ric Flair Wins The Royal Rumble Match For The Vacant WWE Championship
___ 15 Undertaker vs. Triple H In A No Holds Barred Match
___ 16 WWE Champion Ric Flair vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage
___ 17 World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels In A Ladder Match
___ 18 WWE Champion Triple H vs. Cactus Jack In A Street Match
___ 19 Stings Squadron vs. The Dangerous Alliance
___ 20 WWE Champion Edge v. John Cena In A TLC Match
Autographs (Serial Numbered to 199)
Parallels: Bronze /99; Silver /50; Blue /25; Gold /10; Black /5; Red 1/1
___ LA-AB Alundra Blayze
___ LA-AL Albert
___ LA-BF Brutus “the Barber” Beefcake
___ LA-BM Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ LA-BT Booker T
___ LA-DP Diamond Dallas Page
___ LA-ED Edge
___ LA-ET Eve Torres
___ LA-FF Fit Finlay
___ LA-GD Goldust
___ LA-GO Goldberg
___ LA-GS George “The Animal” Steele
___ LA-GV Greg “The Hammer” Valentine
___ LA-JA Jim “the Anvil” Neidhart
___ LA-KE Kane
___ LA-KN Kevin Nash
___ LA-KS Ken Shamrock
___ LA-LL Lex Luger
___ LA-MF Mick Foley
___ LA-MP Michael “P.S.” Hayes
___ LA-NS Norman Smiley
___ LA-PE Paul Ellering
___ LA-RS Ricky “the Dragon” Steamboat
___ LA-SM Shawn Michaels
___ LA-SS Sgt Slaughter
___ LA-ST Sting
___ LA-SV Sid Vicious
Dual Autographs (Serial Numbered to 10)
Parallels: Black /5; Red 1/1
___ DA-DS M”Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase / Irwin R. Schyster
___ DA-FB Ric Flair / Tully Blanchard
___ DA-HN Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart / Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ DA-RB Alundra Blayze / Wendi Richter
___ DA-STL Lex Luger / Sting
___ DA-SV Iron Sheik / Nikolai Volkoff
___ DA-SZ Larry Zbyszko / Bruno Sammartino
___ DA-TM Triple H / Stephanie McMahon
___ DA-UK Kane / Undertaker
___ DA-US Undertaker / Sting
Triple Autographs (Serial Numbered to 10)
Parallels: Black /5; Red 1/1
___ TA-FSG Ric Flair / Sting / Goldberg
___ TA-HNH Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart / Jimmy Hart / Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ TA-LJM Dude Love / Mankind / Cactus Jack
___ TA-NSL Lex Luger / Kevin Nash / Sting
Autographed Shirt Relics
Parallels: Bronze ’99; Silver /50; Blue /25; Gold /10; Red 1/1
___ AR-BH Bret Hart
___ AR-BS Big Show
___ AR-DP Diamond Dallas Page
___ AR-ED Edge
___ AR-IR The Iron Sheik
___ AR-KN Kevin Nash
___ AR-LL Lex Luger
___ AR-MA Mankind
___ AR-MF Mick Foley
___ AR-RD Road Dogg
___ AR-RS Ricky “The Dragon’ Steamboat
___ AR-SM Shawn Michaels
___ AR-ST Sting
___ AR-TB Tully Blanchard
___ AR-TD “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase
Shirt Relics (Serial Numbered to 299)
___ R-BH Bret “Hit Man” Hart
___ R-BL Brock Lesnar
___ R-BS Big Show
___ R-DP Diamond Dallas Page
___ R-ED Edge
___ R-IR Iron Sheik
___ R-KN Kevin Nash
___ R-LL Lex Luger
___ R-MA Mankind
___ R-MF Mick Foley
___ R-RD Road Dogg
___ R-RS Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
___ R-SM Shawn Michaels
___ R-ST Sting
___ R-TB Tully Blanchard
___ R-TD “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase
Commemorative Retired Championship Belt Autographs
Parallels: Bronze /00; Silver /50; Blue /25; Gold /10; Black /5; Red 1/1
___ ARC-AB Alundra Blayze – WWE Women’s Championship
___ ARC-BH Bret “Hit Man” Hart – WCW Championship
___ ARC-BP Beth Phoenix – WWE Women’s Championship
___ ARC-BR Bret “Hit Man” Hart – World Tag Team Championship
___ ARC-BS Big Show – WWE Championship
___ ARC-BT Booker T – WCW Championship
___ ARC-CF Charlotte Flair – Divas Championship
___ ARC-CH Chris Jericho – Undisputed WWE Championship
___ ARC-CJ Chris Jericho – Cruiserweight Championship
___ ARC-DM Dean Malenko – Cruiserweight Championship
___ ARC-ET Eve Torres – Divas Championship
___ ARC-GO Goldberg – WCW Championship
___ ARC-IV Ivory – WWE Championship
___ ARC-JA Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart – World Tag Team Championship
___ ARC-JB JBL – WWE Championship
___ ARC-MA Maryse – Divas Championship
___ ARC-MD Alundra Blayze – Cruiserweight Championship
___ ARC-RD Road Dogg – World Tag Team Championship
___ ARC-RF Ric Flair – WCW Championship
___ ARC-ST Sting – WCW Championship
___ ARC-TE “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase – World Tag Team Championship
___ ARC-TS Trish Stratus – WWE Women’s Championship
___ ARC-UN Undertaker – Undisputed WWE Championship
___ ARC-WR Wendi Richter – WWE Women’s Championship
Tribute Cut Signatures (Serial Numbered 1/1)
___ CS-BB Bam Bam Bigelow
___ CS-BG Big John Studd
___ CS-BP Brian Pillman
___ CS-BR British Bulldog
___ CS-KE Kerry Von Erich
___ CS-ME Miss Elizabeth
___ CS-RS “Macho Man” Randy Savage
___ CS-SM Sherri Martel
– Release Date 11-22-2017
8 Master Boxes per case, 12 packs per master box, 5 cards per pack.
– 1 Hobby box includes 2 mini-boxes. Hobby box includes 2 autographs, and 2 additional hits of the following: Autographs, Relics, Autographed Relics, Autographed Commemorative Relics.
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