2016 – 2017 Ignite Wrestling Trading Cards
___ Alex Cruz
___ Amy Rose
___ Angel Rose
___ Aspyn Rose
___ Chico Adams
___ Chris Sharpe
___ Chuckles
___ C.J. O’Doyle
___ Darin Dinero
___ Dezmond Xavier
___ Aaron Epic
___ Frank Gastineau
___ Gary Jay
___ James Anthony
___ Jay Rios
___ Jon Cruz
___ Lacey Lane
___ Lince Dorado
___ Kota Sekifuda
___ Kennadi Brink
___ Jon Cruz & Jay Rios
___ Jude Dean
___ Justin Michaels
___ Ken Dixon
___ Lio Rush
___ Mark Silva
___ Martin Stone
___ Maxx Stardom
___ Mr. 450
___ Nick Nero
___ Oraculo
___ Randy Eller
___ Rosco Eat Lisa
___ Rex Bacchus
___ Rhett Giddins
___ Santana Garrett
___ Serpentico
___ Slade Porter
___ Teddy Long
___ Teddy Stigma
___ The Dirty Blondes
___ The Dreamboats
___ Timmy Lou Retton
___ Tyranus
___ Joey Mayberry
___ The Ugly Ducklings
___ White Mike
___ Zachary Wentz
– Released in 2017.
– Cards are not numbered.
– There are 2 versions of this card set. The first version of this release featured card backs which contain bio information. The more common cards are with blank backs, that are considered the reprints. There are no “variants”, only 2 print runs. All cards of Lince Dorado from the first print run (with card back) are signed. There are no unsigned versions of his card with card backs.
– Cards sold through Ignitewrestling.com.
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