1992 CMLL OSFTM Luchadores Action Figure Cards (OSFTM)
___ Atlantis
___ Blue Demon
___ Brazo De Oro
___ Brazo De Plata
___ El Brazo
___ Lizmark
___ Pierroth
___ Rayo De Jalisco
___ Sangre Chicana
___ Satanico
___ Ultimo Dragon
___ Vampiro Canadiense
– Cut out cards found on the backs of CMLL Luchadores action figures.
– Manufactured and distributed by The Original San Francisco Toymakers.
– Cards are oversized, have bio information on them and a space for the wrestler to sign their autograph. Just above the cut out it states “Recorta y coleccion las fichas de tus luchadores favoritas” (translated to “Cut out and collect the tokens of your favorite fighters”).
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