1888 Champion of Games and Sports (n184)
(W. S. Kimball & Co’s.)
___ Ada Webb (Water Queen)
___ Annie Oakley (Lady Rifle Shot of World)
___ Arthur Wallace (Swimmer of California)
___ Axel Paulsen (Skater of World)
___ Blondin (Tight Rope Walker)
___ C. H. Heins (Fancy Skater)
___ Charles Wood (Jockey of England)
___ Chas P. Blatt (Cannon Ball Catcher)
___ Clarence A. Freeman (Checker Player)
___ Clarence Whistler (Light Weight Wrestler)
___ Daniel O’Leary (Heal and Toe Pedestrian)
___ Dell Darling (Base Ball Catcher)
___ Della Ferrell (Girl Rider)
___ Duncan C. Ross (All Around Athlete of World)
___ E. A. Burch (Base Ball Fielder)
___ Edward Hanlan (Sculler of America)
___ George W. Hamilton (Jumper of World)
___ H. M. Schloss (Sprinter)
___ Hardie Henderson (Base Ball Pitcher)
___ Isaac Murphy (Colored Jockey)
___ J. C. Cockburn (Wing Shot Canada)
___ J. H. Jordan (Live Pigeon Shot)
___ Jack Dempsey (Middle Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ Jacob Schaefer (Billiardist)
___ James McLaughlin (Jockey of America)
___ James O’Neil (Base Ball Batter)
___ Jem Smith (Heavy Weight Pugilist of England)
___ John L. Sullivan (Heavy Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ John McPherson (Shot Putter of World)
___ John Murphy (Driving of Trotting Horses)
___ John Wessels (Boy Club Swinger)
___ Johnny Kane (Bronco Rider)
___ Joseph Morsler (Pool Player)
___ L. E. Myers (Runner of World)
___ Lillian Smith (Female Glass Ball Shot)
___ Louis George (Six Days Roller Skater)
___ Marve Beardsley (Long Distance Rider)
___ Master Ray Perry (Boy Boxer of America)
___ Mattie Stewart (Female Boxer of World)
___ Patsy Cardiff (Pugilist)
___ Paul Boynton (Deep Sea Swimmer)
___ Phillip Casey (Handball Player)
___ S. Muller (Swiss Wrestler)
___ Thomas H. Humphrey (Juvenile Roller Skater)
___ Tommy Warren (Light Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ W. A. Rowe (Bicycle Rider)
___ W. G. George (Pedestrian of England)
___ William Muldoon (Graeco Roman Wrestler)
___ Wm. Beach (Oarsman of the World)
___ Wm. Byrd Page (High Jumper)
___ Annie Oakley (Lady Rifle Shot of World)
___ Axel Paulsen (Skater of World)
___ Chas P. Blatt (Cannon Ball Catcher)
___ Clarence A. Freeman (Checker Player)
___ Daniel O’Leary (Heal and Toe Pedestrian)
___ Della Ferrell (Girl Rider)
___ Duncan C. Ross (All Around Athlete of World)
___ Edward Hanlan (Sculler of America)
___ George W. Hamilton (Jumper of World)
___ J. C. Cockburn (Wing Shot Canada)
___ Jack Dempsey (Middle Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ Jacob Schaefer (Billiardist)
___ James McLaughlin (Jockey of America)
___ Jem Smith (Heavy Weight Pugilist of England)
___ John L. Sullivan (Heavy Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ John Murphy (Driving of Trotting Horses)
___ John Wessels (Boy Club Swinger)
___ L. E. Myers (Runner of World)
___ Mattie Stewart (Female Boxer of World)
___ Paul Boynton (Deep Sea Swimmer)
___ Thomas H. Humphrey (Juvenile Roller Skater)
___ Tommy Warren (Light Weight Pugilist of the World)
___ W. A. Rowe (Bicycle Rider)
___ Wm. Beach (Oarsman of the World)
___ Wm. Byrd Page (High Jumper)
Official Champion of Games and Sports Album
___ Album
– Tobacco card premium.
– Each card measure approximately 1 1/2” x 2 3/4″.
– 50 card set released by United States cigarette manufacture, W. S. Kimball Company in Rochester, NY. Set spotlights World Champion athletes from different sports. The front of the card shows an artist drawn representation of each athlete, while the back of the card [IMAGE] is unnumbered and contains a listing of all the ‘sports’ in the series.
– One card was given as a free premium in 10 count slide and shell boxes of “High Grade” cigarettes.
– There are 25 known cards which contain an advertisement set in an arch at the top of the card which reads, “W. S. Kimball & Co’s Cigarettes”.
– All 50 card images [EXAMPLE] were made into a full-color album. [IMAGE] An album could be obtained through mail order by sending in coupons distributed in “High Grade” brand cigarette packs.
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